2. Go to OPAC IIUM, find three books from Medicine, General and Technology. Get the call numbers and ISBN numbers....
Medicine - Abortion and the status og the fetus.
[Call Numbers:HQ767.3a154B]
General - Mind set!
[Call Number:HM 901N158M]
Technology - Project photoshope 7
[Call Number:T385G384Pr]
3. Explore Miss Azimah blog and tell me at least 3 things you like about her blog....
- interes to read
- i like the way she give the information about many things in her blog.
- her blog is simple but nice and attrack me to take a look.
4. Name the URL for Centre For Foundation Studies.
Centre for Foundation Studies- http://www.iiu.edu.my/asasi/
5.Go to CFS IIUM Library, find 15 books that categorized under Red spot collections...
- A creative process
- economics for today
- criminal law of islam
- microsoft word 2000
- microbiology
- maqalid AN-nasrif
- the living world
- the life of muhammad
- the psychology of training
- undersatanding plays
- tort law
- women& gender in islam
- accounting:text and cases
- anthropology
- botany